
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

my pebble today


Instead of my stand bys...key lime pie, cookie bars, lemonade pie, cranberry biscotti...I made THIS today!  The Pioneer Woman's mother in law's Christmas Rum cake.  YUM is all I can say!  I had a tiny piece this morning after I made it and decided I better have a real slice tonight as a night cap...I think we could get drunk off this's sooooooooooooooo delicious and was so easy to make.
xoxo, Heidi  p.s. this is Ree Drummond's photo...mine looked just as good, but her pic was better!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

just a pebble

Another wonderful Simple Abundance "thought" - one of my favorites:

The first time you think you'd like to do something a little different from the way you've always done it - maybe bring creole shrimp stew to the potluck supper instead of your-delicious-but-predictable potato and peas casserole, you pick up a pebble.  The first time you actually do it differently - whether you're delighted or disappointed in the results - you throw the pebble into the pond.  The pebble sends out tiny, barely visible ripples of movement toward the center.  No one else notices.  But the woman who threw the pebble, or spent two hours in the kitchen cooking up simple pleasure does...if she is paying attention.

Throwing pebbles every day is my resolution for 2012.  I started early.  Today, I drove past a street, off of Monroe, that I probably have driven past a thousand times (quite literally) and I turned on it.  I've always wondered about it and now I've seen it....a beautiful street along the aboretum that I had never seen before today.


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas this year at the Green's

Christmas 2011

I took a long walk on Christmas Eve morning with George.
I read two newspapers and many blogs while drinking coffee and waiting for everyone to get up.
We relaxed all day, opened gifts and actually SAW what everyone got and who they got it from.
We went to the children's pageant at church at 4 and had good seats.
We had a lovely fondue dinner at the Melting Pot!

I read the paper while drinking coffee on Christmas morning.
I took another long walk with George on Christmas day.
I took a quick drive and looked at the lake.
We didn't rush through breakfast or rush to drive up to Green Bay.
We went to see We Bought a Zoo...this is what most people do on Christmas?!  It was packed!
We relaxed all afternoon.
We are now watching the Packers.

We missed the snow.
We missed the cousins.
We missed the siblings and inlaws.
We missed the grandparents.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December in Madison 2011

Not looking like Christmas past....come on, we need some S N O W !  H.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

off to see Lilly!

I will never forget being in Chicago with Lily when she was just a month or two old with Auntie Heidi, Cousin Emma and Granjan. It was on that trip Lily received her first "Lilly" doll. What a great time we had, just us girls! American Girl Doll Store, shopping and lunch!
Lily and I are going to see the play "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" tonight at Cretin Derham Hall. She and I are both excited! I would go see every play in town if I had the time and resources! I love going to shows! Remember going to Lion King! It's coming back to Mpls. That was so memorable-awesome!
love, k:)


Monday, December 12, 2011

Yes it is!

Love your decor, Sissy.  Those Southern Living hurricanes are awesome!  I've got two and I use them all the time.  I love this time of pretty!

So, I finished the Christmas decorating this weekend!  After Peter's swim meet on Saturday, I took a power nap, got up after an hour, made coffee and got to work!  Emma was babysitting, Chris was sending out college apps for her so Peter and I watched two Santa Clause movies and finished the tree!  We made a change this year.  After YEARS of  Emma asking for the "big, fat lights like Papa and Grammy used to have on their trees," I got them...for the tree and the mantle.  They look great and they warm up the living room...literally.  Now that I think about it, I don't think the kids ever saw the fat lights on the church trees on Norseman Drive...didn't Mom and Dad always do white?  It must be one of those "memories" that they get from looking at photos of OUR childhood trees.  Anyway, LOVE the fat lights.

On Sunday, I finished up all of the "little touches" throughout the house..using lots of ribbon and oranaments.  I just need a few little wreaths for some of the mirrors then I will be DONE!  I will take some photos and post them later this week.  I love the way the house looks this year...

We also got to the exterior illumination as well...I knew it was going to be a balmy 40 degrees yesterday so Chris and I got out there.  Haven't done a lighted garland around the door in a few years so I did that, as well as lights in the evergreen pots and some strands on the lilac bushes...all while Chris was working on the huge arborvitae by the front door....took him 45 min to do one...then I hear, "oh shit, I put the plug at the top."  We quickly decided the lights weren't needed this year!

Now I must turn my attention to baking so I can include some treats in your Christmas box and Mom and Dad's box!  Christmas shopping priority this week!  The Christmas card WILL BE DONE's on my list every day and keeps getting moved to the next day's list.  Somehow it all gets done though.

Enjoy Christmastime!!!  I read one the kids' Christmas books every night...they don't want to read them anymore, but I do.  Wish Lily was hear - she would sit with me!

xoxo, H.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

its beginning to look alot like christmas

It's time to trim the house! I started last weekend by shining up my silver ball ornaments Mom has given us for years. I have 2 hurricanes full! Love them! So special, thanks Mom! Then I hung ornaments from the chandelier with fish line. I am getting in the mood! I will be waiting to see a picture of your mantel sister! love, k :)



Your last post was beautiful- so true too. Appreciate every day and reflect on the good things. Write it down, say it out loud or keep it to yourself. Just be thankful! K:)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Eye on the "prize"

I have read Simple Abundance every single day since my Mom gave it to me when Peter was a baby.  Daily entries that didn't apply to me years ago, often do now and vice versa.  It's all about gratitude.  "All you have is all you need."  It reminds me every day to be grateful and I am.  As suggested in the book, I used to keep a gratitude journal, writing down five things every day that I am grateful for...I do it now without having to write them down.  Before I go to sleep, I think of all the good stuff, while asking for my daily dose of grace.

The author has a piece of artwork with the passage below.  She found it while writing Simple Abundance and says, "that's it, that is Simple Abundance."  The author of the quote is unknown.  I think it's beautiful. 

If, as Herod, we fill our lives with things, and again with things; if consider ourselves so unimportant that we must fill every moment of our lives with action, when will we have time to make the long, slow journey across the desert as did the Magi?  Or sit and watch the stars as did the shepherds?  Or brood over the coming of the Child as did Mary?  For each one of us, there is a desert to travel, a star to discover and a being within ourselves to bring to life.

This is a beautiful thought to keep in mind during December.  Heidi