
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mean and spiteful

I agree, lots of mean spirits out there...I'm always surprised when someone is truly nice or sad is that?!  With the economy the way it is, I think most people have a very sad attitude of "screw everyone else."  I see it all the time.  Pretty pathetic way to live.  Think kindness.  You and I can always count on eachother!!!  Gotta keep laughing and striving!
Just like the country being divided by our President, more than it ever has in the past, we've got a Governor doing the same thing here in Wisconsin...pitting the private sector and the public sector against eachother when it comes to filling in the massive budget debt that previous legislators and governors spent us into!!!  We all pay the same taxes.  Don't get me started on that.  It comes down to personal choice.  If you are in the private sector, you chose that....if you're in the public sector, you chose that...there are pros and cons to both, but don't rip on the public sector when times are tough.  They have pay freezes and furlough days already...pulling their "fair share."  Remember, when times are awesome, there are no bonuses in the public sector and you don't see protestors saying they deserve one! 

Onto a better topic, the employees at Trader Joe's know me so well because it's a block from E & P's it's very easy for me to swing by on an almost daily basis!  They've got their $1.49 bunch of daffodils there now!!!  Three bunches in a vase look bountiful!!

Talked with Emma's h.s. counselor yesterday...very insightful.  We will be meeting to discuss the college process...but, I encourage you to talk to Evan's counselor before Junior year.  She had so many great insights for me and calmed all nerves.   My goal is to decrease Emma's pressure, not increase it through this maze of applications, tests, etc.  Everything always works out in the end.

Miss you Sissy, wish we could do a weekend soon....we'll be at Emma's regional meet all weekend!


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