
Friday, February 25, 2011


I was talking to a coworker about unions and what is going in WI. He has worked for the state for 35 years. He said he started when there was no union. So he has seen both sides. He said, without the union, they could fire you, just because they wanted to, and they did. Now you have to have documentation and a reason. It may take more time, but you can still fire someone for not doing there job. I have been witness to that at work.

The problem comes when the union act like the mafia. They think they can bully. Just be descent, and act appropriately. They are suppose to be there for the workers, not just to make themselves look good. The worst thing I got in the mail this year before election day, was a voting card from my union. It listed all of the democrats I should vote for in the election. I thought that was pathetic.
I hope it goes the way you and Chris want it to go. It is tough. A lot of opinions, and a lot of idiots.
love, K:)

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