
Saturday, May 21, 2011

i fell yesterday...

I was in the garage, bringing George in while balancing an iced tea, phones and papers (was trying to relax for 30 min or so on the deck in the sunshine, but looking back right this minute, to relax I shouldn't have had papers and phones with me) when my sandal caught on the front of the lawn mower.

Oh God, I am falling backwards...this is going to hurt. 

Some how I did not break the glass, myself or the lawnmower, but it did hurt.  My elbow is swollen and I think I'll have some pretty good bruises on my thighs, back and shoulder.  I cried a little and Peter came to help me.

Chris and Peter headed off to a movie later and Emma was at EHS gradution (I guess that officially makes her a Senior now...sigh).

I took Advil, got some water and planted my self on the sofa for a good chick flick and had a good cry.

This has been a tough 5 weeks...all starting with some heartache that won't go away, then our horrible threats at school, a heartbreaking death of a student and a very trying time in the campaign this week.  I feel like I've been beaten up and just to make sure it's physical too, the universe made sure I fell yesterday.

But, today is a new to graduation parties this weekend for wonderful kids we love, everything is green and beautiful and my candidate sent me a text message that reminded me exactly why I work so hard for him.   And my children and husband are and happy.  Heidi

Not get back to blogging Sissy - I am not a one woman show!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I DO hope you are feeling better! Yes, cloudy things seems to always clump together, don't they? But the sun always returns--yay! Thank you for leaving me a little note when you visited! I see one of you has a senior! Our "senior year" has been a J O Y, and the college process is exciting! And I can't believe one of you got the Emma plate! Do you know how many times I've looked at the mug?! Happy Sunday...come back and visit me anytime! (could i use any more exclamation points?!)
