miss emma has been cursed with periods from hell...just like her momma...
first day of the 7 day event includes horrible cramps, headache and exhaustion. today her cramps were so bad i had to pick her up from school. she got in the car and described it as "a little man is in my uterus beating and scraping with an ice cream scoop."
on to other random nothings....
it's like march here in wisconsin...still no snow. bizarro but wonderful! i keep forgetting it's january. wearing fleece, no gloves and putzing in my yard in JANUARY.
puppy george is "broken" again...other acl probs...makes me nauseous...taking him to vet on wednesday. i adore this creature and mark my words/read my lips, i will do anything for him.
chris got an ipad from his dad - just what he needs - another gadget!
chris got a letter from notre dame admissions today saying that they have all emma's info and that they do give special consideration to alumus' children...said they will accept half of the applications of alumnus children and that she'll get a letter in april. also said thank you for his continued support...hmmm. anyway, it was the first time in this arduous process that emma has expressed how much she wants nd...she literally said today "i want to go to notre dame more than anything i've ever wanted." like grandma veronica, i tell her i say a prayer for her every day and i do!
"charlotte" has added a few lbs...was doing great - even through the holidays - but have been a ravenous crazy woman lately...even with this godforsaken chest cold. right now i have a box of special k with red berries that i am gobbling/woffing down as i type. it began with the rum cake i made after christmas...i didn't care about sweets until that sweet cake...i dream of that cake...must make another.
going to rent downton abbey...it's all i hear about...on the web, on blogs, on the radio...can't wait.
my mother in law sent me the large spode christmas baking/lasagne pan...i LOVE it! i love my christmas spode...made me giddy today!
wisconsin football is imploding...5 assistants going with paul chryst to pittsburg (katie chryst is in em's class) and a scandal with an alvarez assistant (he goes to our church)...hoping/praying it's not a penn state iceberg.
thinking all of the republican presidential candidate are DUDS....going to learn more about huntsman...he might be the one for me....believes in TERM LIMITS! i miss gw...2004 was the best year...chris and i had a blast! victory 'o4!
not ribbing you, but aaron rodgers is AMAZING...can't wait for another super bowl!
miss you guys...looking forward to our visit in march!!!
xoxox to you sissy, H.
p.s. USE EVAN'S DAMN COMPUTER - it's IN YOUR HOUSE...therefore YOU own it and you need to blog blog blog!!!!
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