Saw Lincoln and LOVED it!
Saw Life of Pi...thought it was very stressful to watch, but beautiful.
I actually don't care about the Oscars, or any other "award" show...self absorbed Hollywood getting together to pat themselves on their backs...who cares?!! They are uneducated actors. How about awards shows for parents that work two jobs, raise their own children, clean their own houses, put on their own make up (if they have time), mow their own lawns, shovel snow, take care of elderly parents and never have enough money for anything but bills?!
Confession, my new guilty pleasure is Duck Dynasty...can't get enough of those boys! Good family values!
Saw your recipe on Pinterest! Pinterest is endless beauty...I have learned so much, however, I am certain I am starting to suffer from pinners wrist!!!! oxoxo, H.
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