
Saturday, March 2, 2013

A new adventure....

On Monday I am heading back to the working world...the real working world...not the world of campaigns, consulting, feast and famine and big egos.  Actually, I think I will run into all of those things, but hopefully they will not be so magnified. 

I've worked as a consultant for 18 years...fundraising for many political candidates and many non profits.  After this last campaign, I swore off political fundraising reciting to myself every day, "I am retired from political fundraising."  The game has changed and I'm not playing it anymore.  When I started, integrity was still very important.  There is NO integrity in the game anymore...not on either side.  As I have said for years and years, nothing will change until term limits are in place for every elected official.

I was very interested in a position with the Veterans Museum, but politics was very much present in that endeavor (lots of bad signs).

Out of the blue an opportunity with the State Medical Society appeared.  I interviewed on a Monday and was considering an offer by Friday.  I will be running their, still using my political skills, but instead of me asking the Medical Society for money for my candidate, the fundraisers and candidates will be asking me for money!!  I will also be working with the members to encourage them to become politically astute.  It's 37 hours/week, but they have agreed to letting me work two days/week from home.  My salary and benefits are at the office, 3 weeks vacation right away, flexible on everything....they truly want me to be happy while I work...what a concept!!

What it means is great change in our family.  Our financial future is assured.  Chris' stress level has almost disappeared.  As I said earlier, it was always feast or famine....with me making very good money during a campaign and then nothing until the next one came along.  Now, we can actually plan and budget well.  He has done a great job with keeping us in line financially, but it hasn't been easy.

Three days/week I will be gone all day.  This affects Peter, George and Charlie.  They will all survive.  Two days/week, they won't notice anything.  Working from home a few days a week was VERY important to me.  I've always worked very well from home...almost too well because I actually think campaigns got waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more work out of me than if I was in an office at the HQ.  I like to work out of my porch on nice days.  I like to take George on walks.  I like to get the laundry done and dinner started when I work from home.  I also like to just "be here" for Peter and's been the reason why I did what I did all these years.  I wanted to be HERE for them.  I was and I still am.  That is really all that matters to me.

My favorite quote sums it all up "The ulitmate result of all ambition is to be happy at home."

I am nervous but really excited.  xoxo, H

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