
Thursday, December 30, 2010

my only resolution

We need more kindness.  My only resolution this year is to be as kind as every situation and to every person I come across.  Too much anger and resentment in this world.  When someone is very kind to you, it's almost a surprise.  I'm going to surprise as many people as I can this year.

More kindness in 2011.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas and winter

LOVED having you and yours at our home on Christmas Eve...our family much laughter.  It's so awesome that Lily is still a believer...keeps us all in the spirit and magic of Christmas.  I loved every minute of our time together...just wish they were more minutes!!!

WINTER...I do love it, but mainly I love four seasons...I love everything that goes with the change of each season...the seasonal decor, the seasonal food and the change in routines.  I love the snow because it's pretty and it relieves me of my gardening (even though I love gardening).  I love the "hibernation" of winter....early dinners, lots of reading and movies, hot chocolate, flannel sheets, etc.  I love taking George on a walk in the cold, peaceful and quiet.  Autumn is my favorite season, but I love all four...including winter!

THANK YOU for the wonderful Bibelot good benefit of your retail hell job was great gifts!!!! ;)  I love the "Keep Calm and Carry On"...a nod to my hubby's British background.  It's my motto!

Glad you're back to the blog!  I'm in the middle of a career choice struggle...will blog about that tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Retail hell is over!!!

I survived!!!  The world of retail!!!  I have 2 shifts left at my parttime job in retail.  I never thought I would return to that world, but I did and I survived.  However, everything else in my life, was put on hold, including this blog.  Husband, kids, house, and health also took a backseat.  It is really hard to balance a second job. I don't recommend it! 
Christmas at your house was perfect!  Way too short.  I feel like we had just gotten there and it was time to leave.  Love my lotion, that you just blogged about. It truly is changing my hands back to summer hands.  Smooth and silky! Love it! 
Ok, can I say, I am sick of winter.  You love it, not so much.  I can't take one more inch of snow. We have as much snow in Saint Paul, as we usually get in a whole winter, already!!! UGH!  It's going to be THAT kind of winter.  I guess, you could say, normal.  We have lucked out in recent years, so I guess we are due.
Evan went to his first formal dance tonight. I almost got tears in my eyes, taking pictures of him and his date.  Where does the time go...... my 4 lb grown up.  This is what we want for our kids, to grow up, but I am not fond of it happening so quickly now. 
Ok, so next year for Christmas I am going to be more organized. I am not going to shop now for next year, but I will start soon!  Do you like shopping early sister.....or later......

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kate Gosselin is a BITCH...

there is no other word for her.  Watched Sarah Palin's Alaska and unfortunately, TLC decided to get Kate and her kids on Sarah's show last night...I'm guessing Sarah's ratings are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY above Kate's.  Sarah and family opened their home with open arms and Kate behaved like a child.  Kate's children behaved better than she did.  Her fame should have ended long ago.   Obviously, John is not that bad of a parent because the kids are learning to behave from someone and it is certainly not their mother. 

my new parka

Ever since George had his ACL surgery in May, we've been 150% dedicated to taking him on several walks a day instead of letting him run in the backyard (thus avoiding injuring the other leg and $2,300 for another fix).  Easy in the summer and even easier during the gorgeous autumn we just had....not so easy now when it's below zero, wind blowing and snow up to our knees!  Anticipating this inevitable winter, I purchased a down filled parka with a fur trimmed hood...the warmest one Land's End had to offer.  Even better, I bought it on a 30% off, free shipping promotion day!!!! 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this parka....keeps me absolutely toasty on our walks!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week Two...

On to week two of sensible eating and hopefully more exercise!  I've had an awful cold....which is good because nothing tastes good so therefore I don't have much of an appetite, but bad because I don't feel like exercising.  Lost 3 pounds over this past week.  Cutting waaaaaaaaaaay back on carbs, but not totally eliminating them.  Eating much less and drinking a ton of water and tea.  No sweets but I did have a half of a roll and soup last night when we went out to dinner with friends....also had some rice balls.  So not carbless, but a significant decrease. 

I definitely think I have issues with gluten...mainly because when I avoid it, I feel so much better! 

Put up the tree and got out the Christmas will take a week or so before I feel "done."  I really need to go through the decorations this January and eliminate what I don't use anymore.  I only use what I love now....the rest needs to go to St. Vincent's.  With the great snow we got yesterday, it feels so festive! 

I'll post some pics when I'm done!!!!   So, Sissy, tell me your favorite Christmas tradition...