
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I'm pinning it Wednesday!! And college kids...

gold jewels
I liked your post of gold jewelry...I'm still a gold girl and probably always will be.  I like silver too, and sometimes I mix and match, but I love gold.  Pinterest has endless gorgeous jewelry ideas.  I'm actually thinking of having my engagement re-set on a thin, gold band instead of the thick band it's now on...I would wear it more often with my stack of other important anniversary band, the ruby and diamond ring I won in a raffle at the Madison Club and Grandpa Milo's wedding band from Grandma Bea that is engraved with "For Milo - With love, Beatrice"

Evan is going to excel...he will flourish in college!  He's got all of the tools and he's ready.  I do miss Emma a lot, but as my friend Sally and I were saying, we do have some self respect...we're not going to boo hoo about them if they are not boo hooing~they are SO HAPPY where they are!  And of course, them being happy makes us happy.  Emma's got her groove on and is handling her life well.  Freshman year can have some hiccups, but they quickly learn how they want their college experience to pan out..  They're smart. 

And honestly, after a summer of family fun, my house needs to get back in order!  Got the crumbs out of the silverware drawer yesterday and am finally caught up with laundry for the first time since May!!!

Oooooh and autumn is coming....THE BEST SEASON OF THE YEAR!!!  I will pontificate on that later this week.  First apple picking this Saturday!  Football, mums, leaves, sweaters...all the good stuff! 

xo, H.

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