
Monday, November 10, 2014

Yoga sucked today...

Mondays are yoga days for me.  We have an instructor that comes in to teach about 12 of us in a conference room where we "practice" our yoga.  We mentally state our intentions and we breathe in and out...belly breaths, deep breaths and way too much downward dog for my taste. 

I usually LOVE LOVE LOVE my yoga days, but today I wanted to stay curled up in child's pose (very appropriately named I might add) for the whole class.  Nothing felt good.  I had so much on my mind and I greatly disliked every minute except for the last 5, which is when we're laying flat on our backs, quiet and not moving.  The instructor comes around and rubs an amazing oil on our necks and you feel like you could just fall asleep,  But you can't, 5 minutes is up and we're back at it! 

There was bad energy in the room.  One of the women in my class was in front of me and we've got bad energy right now.  Last week she LOUDLY admonished me in our break room when I threw out my empty can of soup instead of putting in recycling.  She was loud and rude and accused me of not caring for my children's future (in front of 3 co-workers).  I told her I recycle everything else, but not cans.  I was not apologetic at all as she shook her head in disgust.  Somewhere along the line of busy motherhood, de-labeling and cleaning out cans to put in recycling was just "one more thing" and it fell by the wayside.

I expected her to apologize.  She hasn't and I doubt she will.  What do you think????

So, I'm back in my office now and I put on my Christmas playlist to change my mood.  I'm eating my salad (that I made with a mix that has kale in it...did I ever tell you how much I dislike kale??) and I'm just trying to be grateful for something.

Namaste (what the heck does that mean anyway??!).  xo, H

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